Friday, May 2, 2014

Me Made May 2014 Day1

#memademay #memademay14 Starting off right, 100% made by me!

Shirt: made by me, Anna's tank pattern (?? I'll have to look up the details)
Skirt: made by me, self drafted
Cardigan: made by me, SBCC 314 (love this pattern!)
Leggings: made by me, self drafted from etsy blog tutorial

I wanted to get started off on the right foot by posting a photo on the first day of MMMay 2014. I was HOPING to have a new-to-me item to wear, but I had to settle for a 100% made by me new-to-everyone-else (i.e. never blogged) outfit instead due to a disastrous combo of poor fabric choices/shitty grading/general laziness. I think I'll try to take daily photos and post them to instagram and flickr, with a summary post here every few days. 

How did everyone else's MMMay kick-off?

P.S. Susan and I have decided to finish our new Colette Monetas by Monday! Anyone else want to have a Moneta Monday?



  1. Moneta Monday, yessss! I was just working on her a bit this afternoon. I've come to the part where they direct you to shirr the waist of the skirt, and I'm I'm reading everything I can find about the peeps who've tried this. Ima try it on a scrap first...

    Love the drapey front of that cardi and the long necklace, very stylin' (which my damn autocorrect is determined to change to Stalin).

  2. Hey - welcome back! Great look. Looking forward to seeing MMM.
